Laser Hardening

Laser Hardening
» Non-joint salmon processing, fast heating and cooling, fast processing speed and short lead time.
» The heat input is stable, the heat-affected zone is small, the deformation is small, the hardness of the microstructure of the metal material is improved and the residual stress is removed, and the fatigue resistance of the metal material is effectively improved.
» It adopts flexible optical path selection processing, which does not affect other areas, and the hardening layer is controllable, thereby improving processing efficiency, improving material hardness and wear resistance.
» No damage to the surface of the workpiece after quenching, no secondary processing, no cracking on the mold surface, stable and uniform hardness of the hardened layer.
» Strengthened by self-quenching of the matrix, no quenching medium is required, the processed part does not decarburize, the stability of the material does not change, and it can be quenched repeatedly.
» Short thermal cycle time, small structure, only higher strength and fatigue resistance.

Contact us
Company address
No. 66, Tonghe Road, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park

