Metal Forming(TH-M280)

Metal Forming(TH-M280)
Product description:
» Self-developed process software to optimize the scanning path and shorten the processing time;
» Optional dual laser printing, compared with single laser printing efficiency increased by about 70%.
» Density of metal printing >99.5%, mechanical property fluctuation <5%.
» Self-designed optical system, excellent wind field design to ensure high molding accuracy and molded part performance.
» Optimized design of the wind field structure to ensure the effective removal of smoke, splash, full-width parts printing uniformity;
» Real-time display of equipment information during the printing process, automatic generation of electronic printing reports after the completion of printing, process parameters can be traced.
» The system automatically detailed process log records, parts printing process layer good,parts temperature, chamber pressure, oxygen content of the molding cylinder position, the material cylinder position, the position of the powder spreading car, processing time and so on are recorded.

Contact us
Company address
No. 66, Tonghe Road, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park

