"I am a sheet metal processor, and I trust Tianhong Laser"—Tianhong customer testimonial

"I am a sheet metal processor, and I trust Tianhong Laser"—Tianhong customer testimonial

  • Categories:Customer testimony
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2020-09-10 17:00
  • Views:

(Summary description)At the beginning of September, Tianhong Laser GHF15000W and GDF20000W two high-power laser cutting machines were delivered to two customers in Jinan and Qingdao.

"I am a sheet metal processor, and I trust Tianhong Laser"—Tianhong customer testimonial

(Summary description)At the beginning of September, Tianhong Laser GHF15000W and GDF20000W two high-power laser cutting machines were delivered to two customers in Jinan and Qingdao.

  • Categories:Customer testimony
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2020-09-10 17:00
  • Views:

early september

Celestica Laser



Two high power laser cutting machines

Delivered to two customers in Jinan and Qingdao successively


GHF15000W cutting machine


GHF15000W cutting machine


GHF15000W cutting machine


      According to customer feedback, they investigated many laser cutting machine brands and products in the early stage, inspected more than a dozen laser cutting machine brands at home and abroad, and then selected Tianhong Laser. After many times of testing, proofing and debugging, Tianhong Laser GHF15000W and GDF20000W laser cutting machines were selected and delivered successfully.


GDF20000W laser cutting machine


GDF20000W laser cutting machine


GDF20000W laser cutting machine


      The customer gave the following reasons for choosing Celestica:


      1. Professional

      After repeated investigations, it was found that Tianhong has been focusing on the R&D and manufacturing of laser equipment for 20 years, and has continuously carried out technological innovation on the original basis to adapt to the trend of market development.

Through the on-site observation of the proofing process and the explanation of the engineer, it is found that the operation speed, stability and fineness of Tianhong laser equipment are at the top level in the industry.


      Two, strength

      Customers visited Celestica's factories, production workshops, R&D centers, after-sales centers, and Celestica's showrooms, etc., expressing their trust in Celestica's R&D strength, production strength, and service capabilities.


      3. Brand reputation

      During the inspection of Celestica, the customer also repeatedly verified the use of Celestica's previous customers and Celestica's after-sales service. Celestica, the leading brand in the industry, is trustworthy!


Cutting Machine


laser cutter


     Tianhong high-power laser cutting series, the upper limit of positioning speed can reach 100m/min, the positioning accuracy can reach 0.03mm/m, and the repeat positioning accuracy can reach 0.02mm.

The core components are equipped with international first-line brands, using advanced numerical control system, easy to operate, and can provide real-time feedback on processing status to ensure orderly processing.

GHF cutting sample display:


GHF cutting sample


     With the large-scale development of new infrastructure and the advent of the 5G era, a new generation of technological revolution, industrial transformation, and intelligent manufacturing have developed rapidly around the world. Under the new situation, laser cutting equipment will surely play a pivotal role in industrial transformation.

Tianhong Laser will follow the development trend of the times, continuously improve its technical strength, improve its service system, and grow together with Chinese entity enterprises.



Contact us

Company address

No. 66, Tonghe Road, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park




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